Vertical Stab
26 Mar 2009 I started laying out the Vertical stab and the rudder on the same piece of MDF, plenty of room. Several people have told me the dimensions for the VS with rudder do not add, so when attached to the back of the fuselage later, the rudder will extend below the fuselage, and must be trimmed or cut off. I added up the actual dimensions and compared them to the plans. Sure enough, by my calculations, if built to plans the rudder would extend 5/8" below the fuselage. Not a big deal, but I see no harm in extending the top of the VS by 5/8" which will bring the rudder up by this much, savig me from having to trim the bottom off later.Hours: 2.05 Apr 2009 Finished routing the VS and glued three 1" pieces of spruce together, from which I will carve a piece for the top of the VS.Hours: 1.07 Apr 2009 Worked on carving the top of the VS. I rounded the piece and matched it to the top of the rudder top.Hours: 2.08-10 Apr 2009 Glued most of the VS pieces.Hours: 1.015 Apr 2009 Cut and glued the front brace on the VS.Hours: 1.017 Apr 2009 Cut and glued capstrips to one side of VS. I aligned the rudder (which had been complede earlier) behind the VS, to ensure the capstrips were aligned.Hours: 1.0